Academic Assignment Control form (AAC form)
To complete your adult distance education program, you will be required to write several reports. These reports constitute the exams. After you submit all the required reports; you would have completed the adult home study program and would earn your degree. This form contains the details of the distance learning degree program assignments. In other words, it lists the suggested textbooks and the written reports (exams) required per textbook. It also keeps record of the dates when the books were shipped, when reports were submitted to Bircham International University, and the grade obtained on each report. Note that one book does not necessarily correspond to one course. Each book may cover several course contents, either totally or partially.
* Processing time: 3 to 7 weeks after verification of the first payment.
The Bircham International University Office should provide the textbooks required to complete your distance learning higher education degree program. It may take 7 to 15 days to determine the textbooks and assignments required for your adult home study degree program. It may take several additional weeks until you get the textbooks. In other words, you can expect approximately 3 to 7 weeks after formal enrollment to actually start studying. Do allow some time for delivery of all the textbooks, as we need to order them from different publishing houses, and then deliver them to you. These textbooks are the foundation of your home study program. They are selected based on their comprehensive and updated coverage of the subject. Delivery time may vary depending on the publishing house and the availability of the textbook. Please be patient and call us anytime you need to know about the shipment status your assigned textbook(s).
* Response time: variable. Check the tutoring instructions at the BIU Study Guide.
Questions related to the presentation of written assignments, the administrative procedure, as well as any doubts concerning textbook comprehension, knowledge level, etc., should be addressed to your corresponding BIU Office. This latter will forward the question to the appropriate member of the Academic Board and/or instructor's team.