Learning Outcomes Levels
The distance learning higher education outcomes levels are achieved following the BIU home study guide, academic assignment instructions, and through the presentation of the required evaluation units:
- Reports (20-35 pages)
- Project (over 50 pages)
- Thesis (over 70 pages)
Bircham International University Grading system will reflect the learning outcome level achieved by the student through the assigned work:
1.5 - No learning outcome achieved.
2.0 - Level 1 & 2 partially achieved.
2.5 - Level 1 & 2 outcomes achieved.
3.0 - Level 1, 2 & 3 outcomes achieved.
3.5 - Level 1, 2, 3 & 4 (partially) achieved.
4.0 - Level 1, 2, 3 & 4 outcomes achieved.
LEVEL 1. Knowledge & Comprehension
Comprehensive reading and index preparation (Table of Contents).
By reading the textbooks assigned by BIU program, the student will identify and sort the program's key ideas. The selected concepts will have to be classified and rearranged in order to prepare a coherent index or table of contents. This index will become the skeleton needed to achieve the required work. Thus, this index will demonstrate the student's ability to grasp the interrelationships, hierarchy, and overall meaning of the program's key elements.
LEVEL 2. Analysis, Synthesis, & Development
Material analysis, textbook content selection, and first draft writing.
The student will examine the assigned textbook and integrate selected extracts of the text contents according to the previously defined index (table of contents). The selected text extracts will need to meet the format requirements. Consequently, the student will have to search throughout the textbook several times in order to expand or summarize the information, when needed. This recurrent adjustment of the text contents will lead the student to categorize the information read in order to produce a suitable first draft of assigned work. In other words, the read material must be rearranged and fit into a new written format. This may involve rearrangement and sometimes transformation of graphic and numeric data into verbal and vice versa; in addition to its interpretation, explanation, and summary.
LEVEL 3. Production, Style, & Self-assessment / Final Assignment
Reports (20-35 pages), Project (over 50 pages), Thesis (over 70 pages).
Once the first draft of the academic work required is completed, the student will need to reread the work thoroughly in order to detect possible mistakes. The material should be developed in such a way that its style, content, and structure are logical and reveal knowledge of the subject matter. The student's ability to combine the different parts of the text into a new and coherent format will determine the final evaluation of the submitted work. Diagrams, charts, and examples may be added to illustrate the content.
LEVEL 4. Knowledge Application & Critical Thinking
Case study analysis, problem solving, conclusions, and applicability to professional experience.
The university expects from the student the following: to compare and contrast the learned material with his/her own knowledge and experience; to express his/her opinion on the subject-matter; to show practical applications of the theoretical concepts; and to draw meaningful conclusions in his/her written assignment. All personal judgments should be based on sound criteria and must be clearly argued. Critical thinking learning outcomes are usually achieved at the projects and theses level of research work. Some reports may also include conscious judgment based on clearly defined criteria when they are drawing conclusions from profound case study analyses.